Student Research Opportunities
You're never too young to do research!
The professors of Ying Wu College of Computing are always looking for students to help with their research.
Don't worry about "not being ready" for research. We have a 9th grade high school student taking part in Social Media research. Don't even worry if you are not sure what "doing research" means. You will learn it -- by doing it.
You'll need a working knowledge of one common programming language--for example, Java, C, C++, Python, JavaScript or R--and a good work attitude. Be on time for meetings, reply to email messages from your professor, tell your professor if you run into problems (including private problems) or if you don't understand your assignments, do what your professors assigns you, and make a little progress every week.
Why do research?
We professors do research because it is fun. Hopefully, you will also feel the fun and excitement of doing something new that nobody has ever done before.
Even more importantly, you can put your research on your resume. You can talk about it at job interviews and impress your interviewer, and it will prepare you for jobs where you are expected to do research. That widens the range of possible jobs you can take.
Academic Credit or Payment?
Projects can be done for payment (if funding is available) or for academic credit.
Contact the supervisor for more details and the timeline.
Academic credit can be obtained by enrolling in one of the following courses:
- CS 488 or IS 488 (Independent study for Undergraduates)
- CS 725 or IS 725 (Graduate Research 1)
- CS 726 or IS 726 (Graduate Research 2)
- CS 700B or IS 700B (MS Project - 3 hours)
- CS 701B or IS 701B (MS Thesis - 6 hours)
CS 488, IS 488, CS 700B, IS 700B, CS 701B, IS 701B - Permit required
CS 725, IS 725, CS 726, IS 726 - Speak with your Ph.D. advisor
Topic 1: AI in Finance and Intelligent Transportation
Topic 2: Blockchain, Web3
Supervisor: Grace Wang
Email: guiling.wang@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis
Topic 1: Blockchain based data management
Topic 2: Secure and private data processing at the Public Cloud
Supervisor: Shantanu Sharma
Email: ss797@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis, Undergraduate independent research
Visualization meets Responsible AI
Supervisor: Aritra Dasgupta
Email: dasg018@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis, Undergraduate independent research, Hourly wage
Human-Centered Security and Privacy
Supervisor: Nathan Malkin
For more information and to express your interest, please visit https://www.spur.science/join/
Options: Undergraduate independent research
Mapping Programs to Equations
Supervisor: Ali Mili
Email: mili@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis, Undergraduate independent research
Massive Scale Analytics
Supervisor: David Bader
Email: david.bader@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis, Undergraduate independent research
Virtual and Augmented Interfaces
Supervisor: Margarita Vinnikov
Email: margarita.vinnikov@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis, Undergraduate independent research
Social Network Mining, Fake News, Text Summarization
Supervisor: James Geller
Email: geller@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Undergraduate independent research
Stochastic graph embedding for casual relation inference
Supervisor: Mengjia Xu
Email: mx6@njit.edu
Options: Master project
Cyberpsychology and Online Hate
Supervisor: Julie Ancis
Email: jra49@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis, Undergraduate independent research, Hourly wage
Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Interpretable Machine Learning
Supervisor: Jason Wang
Email: wangj@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Undergraduate independent research, Hourly wage
Practical Program Verification
Supervisors: Martin Kellogg
Email: mjk76@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis, Undergraduate independent research
Topic 1: Designing emerging AI technologies to support aging
Topic 2: Understanding older adults as “influencers” on social media platforms such as Instagram
Supervisors: Alisha Pradhan
Email: ap2972@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis, Undergraduate independent research
Web Security and Privacy
Supervisor: Reza Curtmola
Email: reza.curtmola@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Undergraduate independent research
Fuzzing WebGL Through Error Message Guided Mutation
Supervisor: Zephyr Yao
Email: zy8@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Dynamics Simulation
Supervisor: Tomer Weiss
Email: tweiss@njit.edu
Options: Master project, Master thesis, Undergraduate independent research