Corporate Partnerships
The Ying Wu College of Computing works with industry partners to catalyze ideas into impact and to solve real and pressing problems. We offer industry access to a wide range of research, connections to top talent, and flexibility.
Corporate relationships with YWCC give your business the opportunity to:
- Help define research directions and solve company specific research problems.
- Get an early look at breakthrough technologies.
- Collaborate with our world-class faculty and students: 40 research-active faculty, 100 PhD students, and 3000 undergraduate and graduate students across computer science, information systems and data science.
- Gain access to experienced software engineers working on development projects while pursuing their studies.
- Provide customized training to keep your team on the cutting-edge and to meet your business needs and technology challenges.
Ways to Partner
Sponsored Research
- Partner companies provide funding to pursue a defined research project specific to their needs. A detailed proposal and agreement will be created, outlining required deliverables, intellectual property agreements, etc.
- Research faculty and students with relevant expertise will be identified to work with designated industry personnel.
- The team will analyze the problem, propose solutions and implement the deliverable, a working software prototype with full technical documentation over the course of one or two semesters.
Sponsored Research Examples
UPS sponsored a data science research project aiming to improve predictions of package delivery time. Results of the project have led to the productization of a variant of the algorithm.
JD.com, China’s largest retailer online or offline, has launched a joint research lab for blockchain technologies with NJIT/YWCC and the Institute of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS). The lab focuses on solving efficiency and stability challenges that are the most significant bottlenecks restricting the wider application of blockchain, and explores new applications of the technology. This includes multi-year collaborative research efforts into fundamental consensus protocols, privacy protection and security in decentralized applications.
RiskVal Financial Solutions partnered with NJIT/YWCC to use cutting-edge data science techniques to model fluctuations in the bond market. The model was perfected based on data provided by RiskVal and improved the existing models used by the company.
Vertex, an industry leader in tax technology, partnered on a project to apply advanced machine learning technology to classify products into categories for tax calculations. Image analysis algorithms as well as natural language processing helped in product identification and classification.
NJTPA (NJ Transportation Planning Authority) has a multi-year relationship sponsoring R&D projects at NJIT, ranging from recommender systems using learning and topic models, virtual/augmented reality to demonstrate distracted driving and behavior at roundabouts as well as creating sidewalk inventory using image analysis.
Customized Corporate Training
- Advance your employees career development goals and meet your business needs by providing your workforce access to state-of-the-art computing education and training programs.
- We work individually with each partner to develop and design courses that cater to their specific requirements. Topics vary from introductory courses in programming to modern, complex AI techniques.
- Courses are delivered by YWCC professors and PhD students, who serve as teaching assistants, and include hands-on practical work in the class using state-of-the-art software packages and cloud resources.
- Courses are offered through flexible instructional delivery formats: on-campus, online and on-site at various partner locations.
Customized Training Examples
UPS employees were trained in a three-pronged course, with separate tracks for Data Science, Data Engineering and Data Analysis. Faculty provided detailed feedback on the students, which was used by UPS to perfect the fit of the employees to their future assignments. The course outcomes were one of the key factors in channeling qualified employees to more challenging technical jobs at UPS without undergoing a competitive, recruiting process, saving both time and money.
Hearst employees participated in an on-site training in the fast-growing area of data science. Designed specifically for Hearst Magazines, the courses help employees glean insights from Hearst’s proprietary information to develop a deeper connection with its audience and customers. Topics include, fundamentals of data analytics, data visualization and data privacy.
Software Development
- Collaborate with master’s students with active industry-experience to develop, test and demonstrate new software designs and prototypes through the YWCC Capstone program.
- Accelerate ideas from concept to product to market entry.
To learn more about how your organization can benefit from a relationship with YWCC, contact:
Munir Cochinwala
Ying Wu College of Computing